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Ash Pal

Visionary & Digital Disruptor

Ash Pal is a world expert and thought-leader on digital disruption and the role of digital transformation. He advises corporations on how to see the digital future and what to do next and focuses on best and emerging thinking for leaders tackling digital disruption - not only the tried and tested but the new and differentiating.

"World Expert in Digital Change and Transformation for companies and cities"

Ash Pal - speaker profile photo

In detail

Ash has delivered big changes at a city, company and individual level. He is a Fellow of the British Computer Society and has advised digital leaders and Chief Information Officers in the world's largest and most economically important companies. Ash started in genetics and biotech, but turned into an IT leader because the industry moved faster. He is passionate about business and now works with leadership teams on the challenges of digital - individually, for companies and for cities. Ash has also been involved in some of the world's largest digital projects including Expo 2020 and Dubai's aspiration to be the Smartest City and Singapore's Smart Nation initiative.

What he offers you

A practical visionary with a background in various different industry sectors such as banking, retail, pharmaceutical, automotive, manufacturing, public sector, Ash demonstrates how businesses can fully benefit from the impact of the forthcoming digital revolution which he believes to be the new industrial revolution.

How he presents

Ash Pal is a highly engaging and provocative speaker who has presented and facilitated in board rooms around the world, at conferences, universities, on ships and at training academies.


He presents in English.

Want to know more?

Give us a call or send us an e-mail to find out exactly what he could bring to your event.

How to book Ash Pal?

Simply phone or e-mail us.

Speaking topics

  • Digital Disruption: Navigating a "Once in a Career" Business Opportunity
  • Creating Digital Leadership Excellence
  • What Digital Leaders should learn from Butchers, Barbers and Surgeons
  • Building the "Right Stuff": Lessons from Real Innovators, Life-savers and Risk Takers
  • Bloody IT and your Digital Destiny
  • Being a Great Supplier to Your Digital Buyer (ICT vendor focused)
  • Smart Cities and Digital Innovation: Building a Secure Future
  • Building Smart City Gains While Avoiding Smart City Pains

May we help?

To discuss how we can help you find the right speaker for your event, call us on:
000 800 100 9469 (toll free)
or: +44 1628 601 410
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